Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Back in The Saddle Again

Well my lovelies, I can't just give up on dating because of one weirdo can I? Oh no I can't!

Tomorrow night, my friend Paul (who you may remember I went out on a couple dates with after Mike and I broke up the first time in September, didn't feel a ton of chemistry but really liked him and stayed friends, and he took me to dinner for my bday a couple weeks ago.) is coming over and I am cooking him dinner and then we're watching movies. He also said that next week he wants to take me to this Mongolian place that just opened by his house.

I had totally put him in the friend zone but he's been such a great friend, and he's such a great guy that I've started to wonder if maybe I wrote him off too quickly. I decided it was best to investigate so I invited him for dinner. I'll let you all know how it goes!


Island Girl said...

Fun, Fun! Hope it goes well! I'm currently struggling with someone in the "friend zone" as well, but I think I want to keep him there :)

Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he could be a real possibility....good luck!

Sara said...

Good luck! And, most importantly have fun!

Jane said...

I was going to say exactly what sara said, have fun! That's the best part about dating, having fun and figuring out who you want to be with.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Friends are always a good place to look. You already get along, right...so that's good!

Anonymous said...

I hope it goes well! Have a good time :)