Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's good to be back

I didn't realize how much I missed blogging! I have literally had no free time in the past two weeks....I have so much reading to catch up on!! I'll give you some updates on my life the past two weeks.....

#1. The whole Paul thing is kinda done. It was weird, he was sick so he didn't want to get together then I was too busy to call him. Then last weekend he was supposed to help move my bed because it's really heaving and big and I never heard from him. Lucky for me, my roommate's brother came to visit and helped me move it. He also asked me out, but he just wasn't my type. So then last night I get a text from Paul saying that he's sorry he blew me off and would like to explain. He said there were a lot of thoughts and things going on in his head that he needed to work out. I still don't know what that means and don't really care. Sorry Paul.

#2. Things at work are good!!! I actually got a meeting to pitch a new product and Trent, my account partner, is on vacation so I'm running the whole meeting myself! And to top it off, the people at Target are bringing like 15 people to the meeting and my team is bringing in about 5 people. That's a big freaking sales meeting. So if I close the deal........promotion? If not.....layoff? We shall see!!

#3. My room is almost done so I can post pictures soon!!!!

#4. I've learned to get by on like 5 hours of sleep per night, however my body is hating me for it.

Other than that, nothing too exciting........ I'm off to give myself and much needed mani-pedi I seriously have missed you all so much!!!! : )


Nessa said...

Missed you too, glad youre back!! =) Forget Paul and good luck on the meeting!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back and all moved in to your new place! Good luck with your big meeting!

Anonymous said...

Good luck at your meeting!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Hope you were able to relax during the mani-pedi!

Good luck with the meeting.

i. me. mine said...

So glad you're back! We've missed you!

Sarah said...

Dang, that's way less sleep than I can function on. You're all set to have a newborn and just roll with it.